There is an ancientness about Ireland that not only resides in the people, the stories and the music, but that is embedded in the rocks, the hills, the lakes and ancientness I was drawn to and immersed myself in. I'd always wanted to connect with the ancientness of Ireland, where myth, legend and reality merge. I was so lucky to spend time on my own at some of the really ancient places, places where people worshipped gods now long forgotten, places where the Irish Christians performed rituals of praise and intercession, places where ancient feet had walked before the dawn of time.
This journey for me has taken me to many ancient places, across three continents, but I've always had a deep seated connection to the old ones who walked the hills and valleys before the coming of the Celts, Gaels, Angles and Saxons. The Tuatha de Dannaan (the people of Dana), the Firbolgs, the Fianna were all known to me. In some weird way, from the time I was very young, these stories rang true. I have always had an affinity with the invisible world, from which (in my view) we are separated by such a thin veil that movement between the parallels can often happen with very little effort. Now some of you will think "Oh my goodness, she's really lost it now!", however my visit to Ireland and particularly to rural Ireland, merely served to reinforce this long held understanding.
I won't totally freak out those of you for whom this doesn't resonate, suffice to say, I was not in the least disappointed by the "old ones" who made their presence very clearly known to me as I walked around the ancient stone circles, sat amid ancient trees in ancient forests and put my feet into the clear waters of ancient lakes and rivers. Instead I'll load some photos for you of some of these places and hope that you too may see or feel the presence of these ancient ones.
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